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Safe Basketball

Risk is inherent in all activities however Basketball Manawatū believes that the adoption of a formal approach to risk management will improve decision making, performance and accountability.

We are fully committed to its overall strategic objectives of:

  • supporting members, participants and stakeholders
  • increasing participation in sport
  • providing sufficient and quality coaching
  • developing players to their fullest potential
  • ensuring financial stability and generating revenue
  • achieving excellence in managing competitions and events.


As risk cannot be eliminated, the goal of our risk management process is to manage the risks involved in Basketball Manawatū’s activities to minimise negative outcomes.  Basketball Manawatū will endeavour to minimise the risk to our Association, players, coaches, managers, staff, volunteers, families/whanau, and the general public.


Health and Safety Policy

Harrasment and Bullying Policy

Risk Management Policy 

Zero Tolerance Policy

Looking to our Future

Exciting times ahead for our game

Be a Great Supporter - Let Them Play

Basketball Manawatu in association with BBNZ have introduced an innovative programme to keep every one safe while enjoying the game

Good Sports Guide for Coaches

A guide for coaches to support them to create quality experiences for the children they coach.

Latest News

Read all of the current Press Releases and BBNZ Newsletters

Our Collaborators

Our Major Sponsors